Listen to us 24 hours a day at County Hospital, Stafford, Royal Stoke University Hospital or online

Hospital Radio Stafford broadcasts 24 hours a day to County Hospital, Stafford and the Royal Stoke University Hospital. Bedside units let you listen to us on County Hospital wards, and you can always listen to us from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Join in the conversation!

Get news and updates through our Facebook page! We’d also love to hear from you if you’ve heard our show in hospital or just want to say “Get well soon!” to everybody on the wards.

Recruiting Volunteers Now!

Hospital Radio Stafford is operated solely by volunteers; do you have the skills and time that we need?

Volunteering at HRS isn’t just about presenting radio shows, it’s about encouraging and supporting those that have a passion for entertaining patients. We also need volunteers who are interested in engaging with patients and fundraising. To keep the service operating we need people to look after the administration as well as IT engineers and individuals who are interested in networks and computers.

You don’t have to present a show to volunteer with HRS but most volunteers present as well as:

  • Chat to patients on the wards
  • Do admin
  • Maintain our IT systems
  • Fundraise
  • Raise awareness
  • Many other jobs!

To volunteer you must be over the age of 18.

Find out more about volunteering with HRS.